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The Voice of Organized Medicine

Get Involved

get involved graphicSSVMS Past President Rajiv Misquitta, MD passes the gavel to 2019 President Christian Serdahl, MD.

SSVMS offers numerous opportunities for physicians to participate in organized medicine, as well as opportunities to give back to the community.

Explore Leadership Opportunities

Interested in joining SSVMS’ Delegation to the CMA HOD or perhaps serving on the Board of Directors? Email Aileen Wetzel, Executive Director or call (916) 452-2671.

Volunteer to Provide Medical Services to the Underserved

Physician volunteers make a difference in the lives of individuals in our community. SSVMS’ SPIRIT program recruits and places physician volunteers in local county and community clinics, as well as local schools. Learn More.

Support our Programs with a Donation

Your gift today helps our programs continue to deliver healthy results for thousands of people in our community with nowhere else to turn. Click here to make a tax-deductible donation to the Community Service, Education and Research Fund (CSERF). Donate now in support of our Community Programs

Political Action - Shape the Issues

Critical issues affecting today's physicians are being decided in the legislative arena at a fast and furious pace. Health care reform, medical liability and insurance regulations are just a few of the vital issues being debated and voted on by decision-makers in Sacramento. The most effective way to ensure that elected officials promote legislative positions supported by the medical profession is to help elect candidates who share our perspective.  Whether you are interested in becoming a key legislative contact or would like to contribute to CALPAC, there are many opportunities for SSVMS members to get involved.  Learn more.

Physician Call to Action

SSVMS members are encouraged to contact local, state and national elected representatives to express opinions about legislation impacting physicians and patients. For more information and to find your legislators, visit CMA’s Grassroots Action Center.

Write an Article for SSV Medicine

SSVMS member physicians are invited to contribute articles — and showcase your writing skills — to SSV Medicine, the medical society’s journal. Learn More.

Join a SSVMS or CMA Committee or Council

SSVMS depends on the expertise of its members to make smart policy choices. SSVMS has several committees that focus on a wide range of issues, from public and environmental health to emergency care services to peer review. Learn More.

Write a Resolution for the CMA Year-Round Resolution Process

The CMA Year-Round Resolution Process promotes the ability of members to introduce resolutions that potentially could develop into CMA policy. Delegates and Alternates are responsible for reviewing all resolutions on a quarterly basis and providing online testimony or comments. The resolutions are considered by the CMA Board of Trustees for official CMA policy.  Learn more about the resolution process here.